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Grand Chancellor Menú

Grand Chancellor

The Grand Chancellor: Pastor and Custodian

Monseñor Pablo Lizama Riquelme
Archbishop of Antofagasta

The Grand Chancellor of the Universidad Católica del Norte is the Archbishop of the city of Antofagasta. In his pastoral role, the Grand Chancellor responsibly promotes, assists and strengthens the Catholic identity of the institution and its relationships with civil authorities.

In order to achieve this, the Grand Chancellor establishes and maintains close personal and pastoral links with the university, its authorities, academics, students and administrative staff, promoting reciprocal relationships of trust, effective collaboration and continuous dialogue.

The search for Truth

It is in the context of the impartial search for truth that the relationship between culture and faith finds its deepest meaning: the call to fearlessly explore the riches of discovery, through the joint endeavor of intelligence and faith, allowing all of Mankind to fully realize its own humanity as created in the image and likeness of God and renewed admirably in Christ, and to shine in the light of the Holy Spirit.

Our essential work is to uphold the Christian convictions, not just of each member but also of the university community as a whole; to reflect continuously upon the growing wealth of human knowledge, to which we aim to contribute through our own research, in the light of the Catholic faith; to faithfully transmit the Christian message as presented by the Church; and finally, to put the efforts of the institution at the service of God and our human family in its quest for the overriding objective that gives meaning to life.

In my role as Pastor, my primary concern is for the essence of the spiritual identity of the institution. Through the trust placed in me by the authorities, I work to forge direct links between university and Church life, and to ensure that this academic institution forms part of an international community of knowledge and research, contributing and participating in this way in the life of the universal Church.

In this way, the Grand Chancellor serves as a liaison to the Holy See and promotes unity between the university and the Church. This close relationship with the Church ensures that the university as an institution is faithful to the Christian message and adheres to the magisterial authority of the Church on matters of faith and morality. The Catholic members of the university community are also called to be faithful to the Church with all that this entails. Members of the university community who are not Catholic are expected to respect the Catholic character of the institution at which they study or are employed, while the university must respect the freedom of religion of these individuals.

As Grand Chancellor, Pastor and Custodian, I feel that I am part of the life of this, our Universidad Católica del Norte.


Deputy Grand Chancellor

Father André Hubert Robinet s.j.
UCN Deputy Grand Chancellor

The Deputy Grand Chancellor is a priest nominated by the Grand Chancellor, who delegates to this person the faculties that he considers necessary.

This role is currently held by André Marie Hubert Robinet, who is a priest belonging to the Company of Jesus. Born in Roulles, Belgium on October 19 1943, he has earned bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy and Theology, as well as a doctorate in the latter.

He arrived in Chile in 1973, and carried out pastoral duties in Santiago, the mining settlement of Chuquicamata and its surroundings, Arica and Concepción. In 2001 he moved to Antofagasta, where he took charge of the Pastoral Department at the Universidad Católica del Norte until 2004, and later the Department of Theology from 2005 onwards. In May of 2008 he was appointed Deputy Grand Chancellor of this institution.

He has had a distinguished career as an academic and researcher and has published a number of works, including:

La creación en San Anselmo. La creación como clave de lectura del Monologion de San Anselmo de Canterbury, memoria de Licencia, Santiago 1992 (Unedited).

Palabras de creación. La creación en la teología y en el método teológico de San Anselmo de Canterbury, (Doctoral Thesis), Santiago, Annals of the Faculty of Theology 2004.

HUBERT A. (ed.), Juan Pablo II. 25 años de pontificado, Ediciones Universitarias Universidad Católica del Norte, 2003.

HUBERT A. (ed.), Ser Académico, una vocación. Actas del tercer Congreso nacional jubilar de la Academia y primer Congreso internacional jubilar de la Academia. Antofagasta August 6-9 2002, Ediciones Universitarias Universidad Católica del Norte, 2004.

HUBERT A. (ed.), Carlos Oviedo Cavada, Hombre y Pastor, Ediciones Universitarias Universidad Católica del Norte, October 2004.

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