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Science and Technology Park Foundation for the Region of Antofagasta Menú

Science and Technology Park Foundation for the Region of Antofagasta

The UCN Science and Technology Park (PCT) is an initiative founded by the Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN) in order to respond to the challenges of the Region of Antofagasta, the country in general and the productive sector, by strengthening applied research capacity, technological development, innovation and support for entrepreneurship.

The Science and Technology Park is a tool aimed at promoting the generation of innovative solutions that contribute to increasing productivity and competitiveness in key productive processes within regional industries, by executing applied research and technology transfer projects and initiatives in partnership with industry, suppliers and entrepreneurs.

The UCN PCT is made up of a network of applied research centers and analytical services laboratories with the capacities and skills to respond to diverse problems within regional industry, SMEs and mining, in areas such as water resources, energy efficiency, mining processes, biotechnology and others. In order to provide the required spaces and infrastructure, the UCN PCT plans to construct a building for the development and execution of R+D+i projects, with funding from Minera Escondida and Barrick Zaldivar.

UCN Al Día

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