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Organizations for International Cooperation

CONICYT – National Commission for Science and Technology

Dependent on the Ministry of Education, the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, CONICYT, was formed in 1967 to advise the President of Chile on areas of scientific development. Today, the commission works towards two main objectives or strategic pillars: building human capital through education and training and strengthening the country’s scientific and technological knowledge base. Both of these strategic areas are complemented by areas for scientific dissemination and international outreach.

For over 40 years, CONICYT has participated in all major initiatives for science and technology in Chile, orienting its efforts towards the overarching goal of contributing to the economic, social and cultural development of the country. Currently, the commission’s approach to developing human capital focuses on implementing a comprehensive training, education, insertion and recruitment policy for high-level researchers and professionals, as well as promoting scientific culture in society as a whole and the school environment in particular.

As for the second part of CONICYT’s strategy, strengthening and developing Chile’s scientific and technological knowledge base calls for an active policy for the promotion of scientific research and technological development in all regions of the country. This involves work at an individual and associative level, with established and new researchers, supporting research centers of excellence, promoting links between scientific research and the productive sector, and fostering research in priority areas in the public interest.

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