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Scientific Journals

UCN is involved in the publication of 6 scientific journals which support the University’s research activities.

Revista Estudios Atacameños (Atacameño Studies Magazine)

Atacameño Studies, Archeology and Southern-Andean Anthropology. Publishes and disseminates new and original results of research in the fields of archeology, social anthropology, ethno-history and bio-anthropology in the central and southern Andes. This magazine is published once per semester, and is the official journal for Gustavo Le Paige Institute for Archeology and Museum at the Universidad Católica del Norte

[See Publication]

Revista Proyecciones (Projections Magazine)

A scientific journal published by the Department of Mathematics at the Universidad Católica del Norte en Antofagasta, Chile, since 1982. Contains original articles from all fields of mathematics and high-quality summaries that reflect the state of the art on specific issues.

Manuscripts may be written in English (preferred), Spanish or French. The journal is available for exchange with journals published by other universities or scientific societies.

[See Publication]

Revista Tercer Milenio (Third Millennium Magazine)

Third Millennium has been published by the School of Journalism at the Universidad Católica del Norte, UCN, since 1996. It focuses on communications, journalism and social science, and is published twice a year. Submissions in Spanish are preferred.

The magazine contains articles based on scientific research, literature reviews, working papers, academic reflections, essays, interviews and more. Contributors to the publication are academics and professionals in the above areas.

The editorial committee is made up of well-known experts and academics from prestigious universities in the USA, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, the United Kingdom and Chile. Third Millennium is indexed in the Catalogue for the Regional Online Information System for Scientific Magazines from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, Latindex, as well as the Latin American Index of Citations in Social Sciences and the Humanities, CLASE, maintained by the Latin American Archives at UNAM, and is applying to be indexed in SciELO, the Scientific Electronic Library Online, which is administrated in Chile by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, CONICYT.

[See Publication]

Revista de Derecho (Law Magazine)

This legal studies journal is published by the Faculty of Legal Sciences at the Universidad Católica del Norte. It aims to contribute to the development of the Legal Sciences, promoting discussion on theoretically and practically relevant legal issues. The publication focuses on current law and practical sources that serve the profession’s diverse fields and specializations, as well as studies of institutionality and critiques of legislation and jurisprudence. The Magazine is published once per semester, in April and October every year.

[See Publication]

Salud & Sociedad (Health & Society)

This scientific publication is arbitrated by the Universidad Católica del Norte, the University of Talca and the University of Tarapacá, and aims to become a point of reference for researchers in Social Psychology and Psychology of Health in the Spanish-speaking world. Three editions are published each year, in April, August and December.

Health & Society contains basic and applied research from all fields of Social and Health Psychology (including associated disciplines such as clinical psychology, behavioral medicine and specific applications of psychology in diverse medical fields), which is assessed anonymously prior to publication by our reviewers. Work may be published in English, Spanish or Portuguese. This journal is open to all approaches and orientations supported by empirical studies or a basis in theory. Health & Society is a member of the Chilean Association of Psychology Journals.

[See Publication]

Revista de Ingeniería Innova (Innova Engineering Magazine)

This publication aims to disseminate scientific and technological knowledge in different fields of Civil Engineering and Construction, supporting the exchange of ideas, technologies and knowledge in Latin America and the world. This journal publishes original work that represents an advance in knowledge, focusing primarily on the following areas:

  • Seismic and Structural Engineering
  • Process and Construction Engineering
  • Hydraulic Engineering and water resource management
  • Materials Engineering
  • Project Management and Strategic Management
  • Urban Planning and Transport
  • Geotechnics

[See Publiction]

Revista Tierra Nueva (New Land Magazine)

The Tierra Nueva magazine is published once per year and its objective is to publicize , disseminate and publish topics covering teology, pastoral activity, moral, society, history and culture through unpublished articles related to research or studies that are being published in Spanish.

The articles shown in this magazine have a view centered on daily life, globalization and contingency, and therefore can be presented at a local, regional, national and international level using a social, eclesiastic, and cultural perspective.

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