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University Management

Superior Council

The Superior Council is the supreme academic collegiate governing body of the university, and its mission is to determine the fundamental orientation of university policy.

Members of the Honorable Superior Council


Rector – Jorge Alberto Enrique Tabilo Álvarez
Academic Vice-Rector – Raúl Jiménez Alarcón
Vice-Rector for Economic and Administrative Affairs – María Jacqueline Fuentes Hernández
Campus Vice-Rector – Francisco Correa Schnake
General Secretary – Fernando Orellana Torres
Vice-Rector for Research and Technological Development – María Cecilia Hernández Vera


Faculty of Engineering and Construction Sciences – Alex Milton Covarrubias Aranda
Faculty of Sciences – Miguel Murphy González
Faculty of Engineering and Geological Sciences – Luis Lobos Flores
Faculty of Economics and Administration – Fernando Aurelio Alvarez Castillo
Faculty of Humanities – Walter Terrazas Núñez
Faculty of Marine Sciences – Juan Macchiavello Armengol
Faculty of Medicine – Sergio Andrés Haberle Tapia
Faculty of Legal Sciences – Carolina Salas Salazar


Director Dept. Theology, Antofagasta – Andre Marie Hubert Robinet
Academic Representative – Andrés Renato Araya Rosales
Academic Representative – Bernardo San Martín Rebolledo
Academic Representative – Pedro Arturo Jorge Jensen Iglesias
Academic Support Staff Representative, Antofagasta Campus – Nelson Llanca Oyarce
Academic Advisor Appointed by the Grand Chancellor – Oscar Sepúlveda Sepúlveda
Academic Support Staff Representative, Coquimbo Campus – Marcia Angélica Díaz Báez

Code of Regulations of the Honorable Superior Council

On Types of Sessions and Normal Citations


There shall be three types of sessions: ordinary sessions convened by the Rector whenever he or she considers it necessary and at least once per semester, extraordinary sessions called by the Grand Chancellor or the Rector or at the request of an absolute majority of the active members, indicating a concrete matter to be discussed, and special sessions convened by the Rector under the conditions indicated in Article 38º letters a) to d) of the Statutes.


Ordinary and special sessions will be convened through the Secretary General, who will send written notice at least five working days in advance of the date set for the session, including in this notice the agenda of materials to be covered and any necessary supplementary details.

For ordinary sessions, matters may be included in the agenda by written request to at least three active Advisors to the Council at least seven days in advance of the date set for the session.

Extraordinary sessions will be convened through the Secretary General, who will send written notice to each of the Advisors to the Council at least 24 hours in advance of the date and time set for the session, indicating the convening authority and the matter(s) to be discussed.



The Superior Council will conduct sessions when an absolute majority of its active members are present at the first meeting convened and when a third of these members are present at the second meeting convened. Decisions will be taken by simple majority of those present, except in the case where the Statutes or Code of Regulations determine otherwise.

The Council may not be convened for a second meeting on the same day as the first meeting.


There will be three types of voting:

  • Deliberative Voting

For the matters indicated in article 35º Nº1 Letter a) to m) of the Statutes. Approval will be obtained with the consent of at least two thirds of the active members of the Superior Council, with the Rector having the deciding vote if necessary.

  • Vote of Consent

For the matters indicated in Article 35º Nº2 letter a) to c) of the Statutes. The measures requested by the Rector will be approved by absolute majority of the active members of the Superior Council. Neither the Rector nor the Vice-Rectors shall vote.

  • Council Voting

For the matters indicated in Article 35º Nº3 letter a) to e) of the Statutes. The opinion or recommendation will be expressed to the Rector when approved by a simple majority of those members of the Superior Council that are present. The Rector shall not vote.


The voting may be public or secret.

Minutes will be taken for the sessions, including a record of the agreements reached and the individual vote of each of the members, except in the case of secret voting. Once the respective minutes have been approved and verified by the General Secretary, they will be published.

Secret voting will be understood to refer to votes submitted in writing without the name of the person voting. Voting slips will be submitted to the General Secretary, who is responsible for tallying them and storing them until such time as the minutes of the session are approved.

The Superior Council reserves the right to implement secret voting for certain matters by agreement of a simple majority of the members present.


Only the matters included in the agenda shall be included in the voting.

Each session will include a final thirty minutes for general information from the Councilors.


The duration of the debate on any or all of the matters included in the agenda may be set at the start of each session. With the exception of the person presenting each matter, no intervention by any of the Councilors may exceed five minutes in length, unless authorized by the chair of the Council.


If at least two of the Councilors believe that the matter of debate should not be subject to an immediate vote and should be decided at the next session, allowing more time for study, the Council will vote on the postponement of the matter before voting on the matter itself.


To reopen an agreement previously reached by the Council for debate, the approval of an absolute majority of the active Councilors is required. The approval of the new agreement will also be subject to the same majority.


Any Councilor may present a motion of order to end the debate and vote immediately on the matter at hand, to organize the discussion of the matter in a specific way, or to submit the matter to more than one vote, dividing it into sub-issues to be specified by the Councilor.

These motions should be submitted to voting before the analysis or resolution of the matter at hand continues. If the motion is approved by the Councilors, the debate or voting will proceed as specified.


The Rector is granted the faculty to authorize members of the Superior Council to participate in sessions via videoconference if due to any unavoidable cause they are unable to attend those sessions in person.


A simple majority is understood to refer to the position with the larger number of votes. Votes of abstention will not be counted.

In order to calculate two thirds of the members in cases where this figure is required, the number of members able to vote will be multiplied by two (2), and the resulting number will be divided by three (3), producing the necessary two (2) thirds.

Fractions resulting from this calculation that are less than or equal to 0.5 will be rounded downwards, while fractions of greater than 0.5 will be rounded upwards.

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